Headache Therapy Palmdale, CA

Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Chronic headaches are frequently a side effect of TMJ disorders. The connection points between the upper and lower jaw are the temporomandibular joints. Issues with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the muscles that control jaw movements can arise, causing discomfort and pain.

Other uncomfortable symptoms can cause considerable harm to your teeth. They can also hinder the use of your jaw and mouth altogether. Our dentists have experience treating complex dental concerns related to bite function.

Premier Dental Care offers comprehensive treatment plans that address the causes of TMJ-related symptoms and headaches. Visit our dental offices in Lancaster and Palmdale today.

Are My Headaches an Oral Health Concern?

Teeth grinding, or bruxism is the habit of grinding the upper and lower jaw. Many patients grind their teeth unknowingly in stressful situations or while they are asleep. Bruxism causes jaw and muscle and can cause excessive tooth wear, TMJ disorders, and headaches.

The pressure caused by grinding the jaws together agitates the facial and head muscles. This creates painful headaches when the patient is wake.

TMJ disorders affect the alignment, function, and health of your jaw, muscles, and joints. Many patients experience painful symptoms because of bruxism, an uneven bite, or trauma to the jaw joint. Patients with a malfunctioning jaw joint also often experience chronic headaches.

Treating Dental Headaches

Doctors can use a variety of treatment methods, depending on the underlying cause of your headaches. We’ll determine if you have a TMJ disorder, are grinding your teeth, have a misaligned bite, or a combination. For starters, a change in lifestyle habits can help. We can teach you exercises to help release tension and relax your jaw and facial muscles.

Our dentists provide oral appliance therapy for patients with TMJ disorder symptoms. Dr. Naguib will create a night guard for you to wear at night. The guard will prevent you from grinding your teeth together. It also repositions your jaw so that your bite aligns correctly when you’re asleep.

You will wake up without any facial pain when using oral appliance therapy. Another option is to use orthodontics to permanently correct your misaligned bite. Orthodontics will bring your jaw together in the proper way to evenly distribute the pressure of your bite. Once we get your headaches and jaw pain under control, we can begin to repair the damage it has caused.

The pressure of your misaligned bite has likely affected the look and function of your teeth. We can repair damage from teeth grinding and clenching using restorative solutions. For example, dental crowns can restore your broken or worn-down teeth. Porcelain veneers can fix chips and cracks from constant clenching.

Chronic Headaches treatment in Palmdale, CA

Headaches FAQs

Can bad teeth cause headaches and dizziness?

Yes, bad teeth can potentially lead to headaches. Dental issues such as infections, cavities, or misaligned teeth can lead to jaw clenching or grinding. In turn, that can cause muscle tension and joint pain in the head and neck area. Additionally, dental problems like bacterial infection may spread to other parts of the body, potentially causing dizziness or vertigo.

What foods are good to eat to make a headache go away?

Yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes are all known to help with headaches. Drinking water will also help hydrate your body, which can make a headache go away. Brown rice and dried fruits are also good for stopping headaches.

Can TMJ cause daily headaches?

TMJ can increase an individual’s chance of having daily migraines by about 60%. It also increases the chance that your migraines will be frequent. Patients with TMJ are approximately two times more likely to have daily or multiple migraines per week.

Will TMJ headaches go away on their own?

TMJ headaches do not usually go away on their own. You can reduce them with treatment, but once a patient starts getting TMJ headaches they will not go away on their own.

Can root canal therapy cause a headache?

Headaches and dizziness can occur as a result of root canal treatment complications. Headaches are not uncommon the first few days after treatment. But these problems only occur for an extended period if there is an issue after your root canal procedure.

How long does a headache last after a tooth extraction?

Swelling from a dental extraction can cause headaches, or pain in the jaw, neck, or temples. These symptoms should diminish within a couple of days post-procedure.

Can tooth nerve damage cause headaches?

Nerve pain caused by tooth damage can trigger a severe headache also known as a migraine. Migraines because of nerve damage can cause isolated throbbing pain on one side of the head. Light and sound sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting are all also possible side effects.

Request a Dental Exam Today

Treat chronic headaches at the source. Call our Lancaster, CA dental office at (661) 948-6700 or schedule a dental visit to our Lancaster dentist office online. Call our Palmdale, CA dentist office at (661) 273-6565 or schedule a visit to our Palmdale dentist office online. Dr. Naguib and his team offer comprehensive care for patients suffering from TMJ headaches.