Steps for a Single Dental Implant

Getting an implant can be a little anxiety-producing, especially since it requires surgery. But a single dental implant in Palmdale, CA, can help you retain jaw bone density, strengthen your bite, and improve the look of your smile. Missing teeth can cause a host of problems in your mouth without proper treatment. The dental implant process does take a while, but it’s worth it to help increase your overall oral health.

A Single Dental Implant in Palmdale CA can help restore your mouth after losing a tooth

The Steps for a Single Dental Implant in Palmdale, CA

Everyone’s mouth is different, and no two implant treatment plans will look exactly the same. From initial consultation to completed treatment, it often takes a few months, with a majority of the time spent healing from surgery.

Potential Pre-Steps

In order to get a dental implant, your gums, jaw, and neighboring teeth need to be healthy. If there are any concerns of decay or damage, you’ll likely need some pre-treatment steps before you can successfully get a single dental implant. The two most common steps often needed are bone grafting and periodontal treatment.

Bone grafting is often required for patients who have suffered bone retention loss in the jaw. Implants are surgically placed in the jaw and integrate into the bone. If you don’t have enough bone density, the implant could fail.

Periodontal treatment is often needed for patients who suffer from gum disease. If the tissue of your gums isn’t healthy and strong, the implant could fail or cause further damage to your mouth.

Implant Placement

Once any pre-treatment is complete, your mouth is ready for the implant to be placed. This process does require surgery, in which anesthesia is used to reduce pain and discomfort. Your dentist surgically places a post in your missing tooth’s socket. This post is designed to mimic the natural root structure of a tooth for optimum bite strength and jaw health.


Surgery can be taxing on your body, and your mouth will naturally need a few days to heal. But even after the pain and discomfort subsides, your jaw is still at work, making sure the implant is stable. It can take around three to six months before a dental implant is properly integrated into your mouth. Attempting to perform any further treatment before the implant is secured could result in damage.


After your dentist confirms that your implant is properly placed, they can begin the process of restoring it. Dental implants alone are just the root of your tooth. They also need an abutment and restorative treatment to complete your smile and bite. The most common restoration for a single dental implant is a dental crown. Your dentist will place the abutment and take an impression to ensure the crown fits neatly into your smile.

At Premier Dental Care, we are a full-service implant office. Everything from bone grafting to a dental crown can be handled right from the comfort of our office. If you’re missing a tooth, call us today at (661) 231-7031 to schedule an appointment and learn more about implant dentistry.